I want to officially document my hair journey with all of my accomplishments as I reach my goal of Bra Strap Length in 2012.
Hair Status
Current Length-TWA (Teeny Weenie Afro)
Next Goal Length- Afro Puff Style / EL
Final Goal Length- Bra Strap Length
Last Relaxer- June 1st, 2012 with Trim
Next Relaxer- NEVER!!!!
Hair Goal- Healthy Hair
Current Style- TWA
Next Goal Length- Afro Puff Style / EL
Final Goal Length- Bra Strap Length
Last Relaxer- June 1st, 2012 with Trim
Next Relaxer- NEVER!!!!
Hair Goal- Healthy Hair
Current Style- TWA
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Natural Hair Update- 3 weeks post Big Chop
Check out my latest YouTube video which is an update of my natural hair. This video was shot when I was 3 weeks post BC.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Regimen Building
This post is designed for me to contain my PJism. I have so many hair products that I do not know what to do. I decided that if I focused on a regimen, I can see what products works for me and which ones do not. This will take some time as I have to get use to certain products that my hair loves in order to compare it to other products- hence the purpose of a hair journey anyway!
Here are a few questions to consider when building a good hair regimen (I am not sure where I got these questions from-if you know, please leave a comment so that I can reference them. Special thanks though).
1. How often do you wash your hair?
I have been washing my hair between one to three times a week- Sometimes I'll use shampoo and conditioner and other times I'll just co-wash my hair.
2. How often do you deep condition?
I know I should deep condition with every wash- but I don't. On the weekends, I'll deep condition by pre-pooing overnight using conditioner and oils. During the week, I'll deep condition without heat for at least 15 minutes. I am working on DCing with heat twice a month. [Last DC was yesterday and the time before that was Nov. 11th so I completed by 2 DC's this month].
3. How often do you do protein treatments?
When I was relaxed, I did regular protein treatments which was at least every two weeks, before relaxing, and after relaxing. Now that I am natural I, I have done a protein treatment because I am trying to maintain moisture in my hair...guess I should really do one soon.
4. How often to you clarify?
This is an easy question. Once a month- I clarify at the beginning of each month to give my hair a fresh start.
5. How do you style your hair to retain the most length?
Since being natural, I have not styled my hair to retain length because my hair is too short. While relaxed, I use to do updo's and buns to keep my hair off of my shoulders. With my TWA, my next style to help me retain length will be box braids or kinky twists.
6. How often do you trim your hair?
I use to have a fear of scissors and rarely trimmed my hair. My big chop was October 7, 2012. I do not think I will trim my hair until April 2013 which will be when I am six months natural. My hair will remain textured/kinky and not flat ironed when trimmed, since I do not plan on wearing my hair straight.
7. How often do you do a hot oil treatment?
I do not do hot oil treatments. Shame on me I know. I will try to incorporate hot oil treatments into my regimen.
8. How often do you rotate your shampoos and conditioners?
As a product junkie, I rotate my shampoos and conditioners all of the time because I want to try this one or that one. This is not good because as I mentioned above, I do not know what products my hair likes or does not like. I cannot tell when my hair does not like something, because I do not know when it likes something. I plan on rotating my shampoo and conditioners every other week (for conditioners) and every other shampoo/ month (for shampoo- depending on when I shampoo).
Now that I have reviewed and answered these questions, I am one step closure in building my hair regimen. I plan on using other products such as moisturizers and styling products on a monthly basis to see how my hair reacts to them- of course that is once I have at least three inches of hair to braid, twist, and style.
Answering these questions will help me to continue to track down or journal my hair journey so that I'll know what worked well, what did not work at all, and what products work well together.
Here are a few questions to consider when building a good hair regimen (I am not sure where I got these questions from-if you know, please leave a comment so that I can reference them. Special thanks though).
1. How often do you wash your hair?
I have been washing my hair between one to three times a week- Sometimes I'll use shampoo and conditioner and other times I'll just co-wash my hair.
2. How often do you deep condition?
I know I should deep condition with every wash- but I don't. On the weekends, I'll deep condition by pre-pooing overnight using conditioner and oils. During the week, I'll deep condition without heat for at least 15 minutes. I am working on DCing with heat twice a month. [Last DC was yesterday and the time before that was Nov. 11th so I completed by 2 DC's this month].
3. How often do you do protein treatments?
When I was relaxed, I did regular protein treatments which was at least every two weeks, before relaxing, and after relaxing. Now that I am natural I, I have done a protein treatment because I am trying to maintain moisture in my hair...guess I should really do one soon.
4. How often to you clarify?
This is an easy question. Once a month- I clarify at the beginning of each month to give my hair a fresh start.
5. How do you style your hair to retain the most length?
Since being natural, I have not styled my hair to retain length because my hair is too short. While relaxed, I use to do updo's and buns to keep my hair off of my shoulders. With my TWA, my next style to help me retain length will be box braids or kinky twists.
6. How often do you trim your hair?
I use to have a fear of scissors and rarely trimmed my hair. My big chop was October 7, 2012. I do not think I will trim my hair until April 2013 which will be when I am six months natural. My hair will remain textured/kinky and not flat ironed when trimmed, since I do not plan on wearing my hair straight.
7. How often do you do a hot oil treatment?
I do not do hot oil treatments. Shame on me I know. I will try to incorporate hot oil treatments into my regimen.
8. How often do you rotate your shampoos and conditioners?
As a product junkie, I rotate my shampoos and conditioners all of the time because I want to try this one or that one. This is not good because as I mentioned above, I do not know what products my hair likes or does not like. I cannot tell when my hair does not like something, because I do not know when it likes something. I plan on rotating my shampoo and conditioners every other week (for conditioners) and every other shampoo/ month (for shampoo- depending on when I shampoo).
Now that I have reviewed and answered these questions, I am one step closure in building my hair regimen. I plan on using other products such as moisturizers and styling products on a monthly basis to see how my hair reacts to them- of course that is once I have at least three inches of hair to braid, twist, and style.
Answering these questions will help me to continue to track down or journal my hair journey so that I'll know what worked well, what did not work at all, and what products work well together.
New York, NY, USA
Hair Recipe: Whipped Shea Butter
I am not one to experiment with mixing products nor do I enjoy being
in the kitchen cooking, but yesterday, for some strange reason I felt
the urge to make some Whipped Shea Butter. Why? Well, I have had an 8oz
tube of 100% African Shea Butter since I started by hair journey in
2009, and I only used the thing about once or twice. I did not like the
smell of it, and I was use to using other products. I said to myself
that I have to start using up products to see whether I like them or
not; if I like them, they can be repurchased, if I do not like them, then I can say that I tried it and x, y, and z are the reasons I didn't like it and move on. I also noticed that my shea butter, which was once yellow in color was changing to a white color and I was not sure why (has this happened to you before?).
I stumbled across two videos of natural haired youtubers: Fusionofcultures and Naptural85 who have created homemade receipe's using their Shea Butters, (here are their links: Fusionofcultures Shea Butter and Naptural85 Shea Butter) and I decided that mixing my shea butter will help me to rid of it faster. Both recipe's were similar in nature, however, I was guided by Naptural85's version.
Products Use:
100% African Shea Butter, purchased from a natural food place
Coconut Oil
Jojoba Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Hand Blender
Measuring Spoons
Icing knife
Empty Plastic Jar
Glass Bowl for mixing
I used about a half of the Shea Butter, 1 tablespoon of Coconut Oil, and 1 teaspoon each of Jojoba Oil and Sweet Almond Oil. I mixed the ingredients with my hand blender in the bowl until there were no visible lumps and the mix appeared fluffy. I then used the icing knife to place the whipped shea butter into my plastic container and that was it- Very Simple.
The whole process took about ten minutes with me getting my products and everything together. Since my hair is long enough for me to do small two strand twists, this is what I will used the Whipped Shea Butter for and see how my hair likes it. At least I'll know that my hair is being moisturized when I use the Whipped Shea Butter.
I stumbled across two videos of natural haired youtubers: Fusionofcultures and Naptural85 who have created homemade receipe's using their Shea Butters, (here are their links: Fusionofcultures Shea Butter and Naptural85 Shea Butter) and I decided that mixing my shea butter will help me to rid of it faster. Both recipe's were similar in nature, however, I was guided by Naptural85's version.
Products Use:
100% African Shea Butter, purchased from a natural food place
Coconut Oil
Jojoba Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Hand Blender
Measuring Spoons
Icing knife
Empty Plastic Jar
Glass Bowl for mixing
I used about a half of the Shea Butter, 1 tablespoon of Coconut Oil, and 1 teaspoon each of Jojoba Oil and Sweet Almond Oil. I mixed the ingredients with my hand blender in the bowl until there were no visible lumps and the mix appeared fluffy. I then used the icing knife to place the whipped shea butter into my plastic container and that was it- Very Simple.
The whole process took about ten minutes with me getting my products and everything together. Since my hair is long enough for me to do small two strand twists, this is what I will used the Whipped Shea Butter for and see how my hair likes it. At least I'll know that my hair is being moisturized when I use the Whipped Shea Butter.
~Danie~Saturday, November 10, 2012
One Month Post BC
I have been natural for one whole month and I am so excited to watch my hair grow. So far, I have ran into a few minor challenges regarding my TWA...
1. Dryness- After my BC, I noticed that my natural hair was pretty dry. After researching and watching youtube videos, I learned that my hair may be dry as it is still in shock of the loss of the relaxed ends. I also learned that my hair is in the healing process from all of the chemical processing my hair has gone through over the years.
2. Styles- Due to me only transitioning for four months, I only had about two inches of new growth. My hair is very tightly coiled and the shrinkage is no joke. The way the barber cut my hair, I have more hair at the front top part of my hair then in the back or the sides. While I am able to brush back the front for a tiny puff, the sides, which are so short, do not compliment this look. As a result, I have just been wearing my hair in a TWA or teenie weenie afro, without the use of any accessories.
3. Growth- Believe it or not my 1/4 of an inch of growth is a challenge. This is because all of my hair is not growing at the same rate. When I pick out my hair in the morning, my TWA likes to lean to the right. I do not pay too much attention to it as I want my hair to continue to grow out. As long as I don't start looking like Gumby, then I'm fine (LOL).
4. Products- This has been a challenge for me only because I am a product junkie and feel that I have to use every natural product in my house on my hair for every wash day. I wash my hair three times a week which has meant three different shampoos/conditioners/leave ins/gels, and whatever else I decide to put into my hair. Because my hair is still short, I have not founds the right product that has made me say "WOW, I DEFINITELY HAVE TO USE THIS AGAIN", nor have I found something to make my curls "pop" as I hear other youtuber's say. I know that this is terrible, my PJism that is, and must be corrected!
Since I gave four challenges, let me talk about the good things I like with my hair:
1. Low Maintenance- I love the fact that some water, a little oil, maybe a leave in, and my pick is all I have to do to style my hair in the morning. It takes me about 5 minutes to do my hair, which means more time to sleep!!!
2. Shower/Wash Day- I love not having to run away from the water while I am in the shower. I have temporarily retired my shower cap and have no problem letting the water run over my hair. It is a great feeling. Washing my hair is a breeze as well!
3. My Coils/Naps- I no longer feel that the term "nappy" is negative. My hair has curl definition in some places and not others but I cannot seems to get my hands out of my hair. This gives me an opportunity to feel my texture, do scalp massages, and practice two strand twists!!!( As I am doing this blog, I just rubbed the tips of my fingers (not my nails) on my scalp and it felt so good!!!- now my hands are greasy).
4. Simplicity- My nighttime routine is just as smooth as my morning routine. At night, I'll either apply some JBCO and a shower cap for a GHE overnight, or I'll apply some leave in conditioner and don my bonet for bed.
5. Growth- Its a good feeling to see that my hair is growing. This gives me hope that I will not be in the TWA stage forever!
All in all, I am happy that I made the decision to go natural and cannot wait to see what is in stall for my hair over the next few months!!! My goal is to be able to do an afro puff by the time I am six months post BC!
1. Dryness- After my BC, I noticed that my natural hair was pretty dry. After researching and watching youtube videos, I learned that my hair may be dry as it is still in shock of the loss of the relaxed ends. I also learned that my hair is in the healing process from all of the chemical processing my hair has gone through over the years.
2. Styles- Due to me only transitioning for four months, I only had about two inches of new growth. My hair is very tightly coiled and the shrinkage is no joke. The way the barber cut my hair, I have more hair at the front top part of my hair then in the back or the sides. While I am able to brush back the front for a tiny puff, the sides, which are so short, do not compliment this look. As a result, I have just been wearing my hair in a TWA or teenie weenie afro, without the use of any accessories.
3. Growth- Believe it or not my 1/4 of an inch of growth is a challenge. This is because all of my hair is not growing at the same rate. When I pick out my hair in the morning, my TWA likes to lean to the right. I do not pay too much attention to it as I want my hair to continue to grow out. As long as I don't start looking like Gumby, then I'm fine (LOL).
4. Products- This has been a challenge for me only because I am a product junkie and feel that I have to use every natural product in my house on my hair for every wash day. I wash my hair three times a week which has meant three different shampoos/conditioners/leave ins/gels, and whatever else I decide to put into my hair. Because my hair is still short, I have not founds the right product that has made me say "WOW, I DEFINITELY HAVE TO USE THIS AGAIN", nor have I found something to make my curls "pop" as I hear other youtuber's say. I know that this is terrible, my PJism that is, and must be corrected!
Since I gave four challenges, let me talk about the good things I like with my hair:
1. Low Maintenance- I love the fact that some water, a little oil, maybe a leave in, and my pick is all I have to do to style my hair in the morning. It takes me about 5 minutes to do my hair, which means more time to sleep!!!
2. Shower/Wash Day- I love not having to run away from the water while I am in the shower. I have temporarily retired my shower cap and have no problem letting the water run over my hair. It is a great feeling. Washing my hair is a breeze as well!
3. My Coils/Naps- I no longer feel that the term "nappy" is negative. My hair has curl definition in some places and not others but I cannot seems to get my hands out of my hair. This gives me an opportunity to feel my texture, do scalp massages, and practice two strand twists!!!( As I am doing this blog, I just rubbed the tips of my fingers (not my nails) on my scalp and it felt so good!!!- now my hands are greasy).
4. Simplicity- My nighttime routine is just as smooth as my morning routine. At night, I'll either apply some JBCO and a shower cap for a GHE overnight, or I'll apply some leave in conditioner and don my bonet for bed.
5. Growth- Its a good feeling to see that my hair is growing. This gives me hope that I will not be in the TWA stage forever!
All in all, I am happy that I made the decision to go natural and cannot wait to see what is in stall for my hair over the next few months!!! My goal is to be able to do an afro puff by the time I am six months post BC!
Monday, October 8, 2012
I'm On Instagram
Follow me and my natural hair journey on instagram @dsmileybface.
I BC'd- Yes I Actually Did It!
October 7, 2012 is the day I went natural and did my BIG CHOP
After the mini chop that I did on the 4th, part of me wanted to cut the rest of my relaxed ends off and another part of me wanted to continue to transition. I woke up on the 7th and while waiting for the boyfriend to wake up to wash my hair, I explored youtube's 4C naturals and watched video's of their big chops and how their hair grew in six months to a year. I had already decided that in 2013 I would be natural and my debate with cutting my hair right now was that it is getting cold my head with freeze.
The boyfriend woke up and I expressed my thoughts to him and he told me to transition and cut hair off little by little. That was not the answer I was looking for, I wanted him to say "cut it all off". After I told him that, he said that is what he meant and encouraged me to cut it off..
I figured now would be a good time as I can rock some of the wigs I've made to work this month to give my hair time to grow and my curls time to form. This will also give me a change to play with my hair to see what it likes and what it doesn't like so in six months (April) when it gets warmer, I could rock a puff!
Right now all I have is a dry, coily (in some places), "nappy" as the boyfriend will say, TWA that is really TEENIE.
After the mini chop that I did on the 4th, part of me wanted to cut the rest of my relaxed ends off and another part of me wanted to continue to transition. I woke up on the 7th and while waiting for the boyfriend to wake up to wash my hair, I explored youtube's 4C naturals and watched video's of their big chops and how their hair grew in six months to a year. I had already decided that in 2013 I would be natural and my debate with cutting my hair right now was that it is getting cold my head with freeze.
The boyfriend woke up and I expressed my thoughts to him and he told me to transition and cut hair off little by little. That was not the answer I was looking for, I wanted him to say "cut it all off". After I told him that, he said that is what he meant and encouraged me to cut it off..
I figured now would be a good time as I can rock some of the wigs I've made to work this month to give my hair time to grow and my curls time to form. This will also give me a change to play with my hair to see what it likes and what it doesn't like so in six months (April) when it gets warmer, I could rock a puff!
Right now all I have is a dry, coily (in some places), "nappy" as the boyfriend will say, TWA that is really TEENIE.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Mini Chop/ Pre Big Chop
My last relaxer was June 1, 2012 and due to split ends, the hair dresser cut my hair from APL to full SL.
I had synthetic box installed on August 18, 2012 for a summer protective style and vacation as I went to DR for my birthday week.
I started removing my braids on Thursday October 4 from the back of my head ear to ear and I decided to do a mini big chop and cut off my relaxed ends. I was excited to do it and shocked that I did it. I am not sure if I want to get into curl typing but my hair was very tightly coiled and shrunk about 75% (I'll say that I think I am a 4c). After the cut, I slicked down the back of my hair with water and olive oil eco styler and tied it down with a scarf for the night, but my hair would not stay flat.
I removed the rest of my braids between Friday and Saturday and DC'd overnight. I plan on rocking either my bobraz 3/4th wig from early this year, or my Yaya Virgin Hair. I wanted to get micro braids, but I fear that my hair is too short to be braided.
I do not know if I want to cut off the rest of my hair....I know for sure that I am not ready to rock my short hair so If I do cut it, I will leave some length to the front of my hair as a leave out for my wigs.....
I'll keep you all updated. Check out my pictures below:
I could not see the back so great so I had some straight pieces that the boyfriend will cut off after I wash my hair.
Hair from the back of my head. It measured about 7 inches in length.
I was suprisingly happy and I did not cry! Probably because I know I can hide the shortness with my own hair.
I had synthetic box installed on August 18, 2012 for a summer protective style and vacation as I went to DR for my birthday week.
I started removing my braids on Thursday October 4 from the back of my head ear to ear and I decided to do a mini big chop and cut off my relaxed ends. I was excited to do it and shocked that I did it. I am not sure if I want to get into curl typing but my hair was very tightly coiled and shrunk about 75% (I'll say that I think I am a 4c). After the cut, I slicked down the back of my hair with water and olive oil eco styler and tied it down with a scarf for the night, but my hair would not stay flat.
I removed the rest of my braids between Friday and Saturday and DC'd overnight. I plan on rocking either my bobraz 3/4th wig from early this year, or my Yaya Virgin Hair. I wanted to get micro braids, but I fear that my hair is too short to be braided.
I do not know if I want to cut off the rest of my hair....I know for sure that I am not ready to rock my short hair so If I do cut it, I will leave some length to the front of my hair as a leave out for my wigs.....
I'll keep you all updated. Check out my pictures below:
african american,
big chop,
mini chop,
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Transitioning to Natural
As you can tell from the title of this post, I have made the decision to transitioning to natural hair for several reasons.
1. I have never seen what my real hair looks like: I have had a chemicals in my hair since the age of 5 years old when I had Jheri Curls. As a young child, I remember dressing up in my Sunday Dress for church and having to sit in the kitchen while my mother combed my hair with this metal comb she took off the hot stove. I was burned so many times, I ended up afraid of curling and flat irons if they were not being used by myself. I have looked through several pictures of me as a child and only one picture has my hair in its natural state, and that is in my professional baby picture where I had a small afro. So I am curious to see what my hair was meant to look like.
2. I have been dealing with under processed hair for two years: I transitioned for a whole year from March 2009 to March 2010 but did not have the confidence to cut off the relaxed ends. So I relaxed at home and misjudged how much my hair grew, so there was some under processed parts to my hair. I went twice to get it corrected, most recently in June 2012 and it did not work. I have come to realize that the only way my hair will no longer be process is if I cut off all the relaxed pieces. Then my hair would not be processed at all if I stick with being natural!
3. I am at a point in my life where I need a change: and the easiest change I can make is with my hair. So why not! Right now I have the support of my boyfriend who has been encouraging me to cut my hair off now- at two months post! Not going to happen Buddy. LOL. I've decided to even color or highlight my hair now which I have never done, only so I could actually see growth!
Since my last relaxer was on June 1, 2012, I am thinking that I will be fully natural as of June 1, 2013. This will be a few weeks after graduating from Graduate School- which signifies another change in my life. I have been thinking about keep my hair at shoulder length,which would require that I get my hair washed, blown, and flat ironed at the salon so that they can cut my hair.
If I feel that I have s good enough amount of new growth by January 2013, I may do my big chop then and keep my hair in braids and kinky twists until the summer. There are so many options out there for me and I haven't quite decided on what I want to do. However I am about 80% sure that I will be 100% natural in the year 2013 and I will stick to it for a whole year!
Stay tuned to my future post to see what I have decided.
1. I have never seen what my real hair looks like: I have had a chemicals in my hair since the age of 5 years old when I had Jheri Curls. As a young child, I remember dressing up in my Sunday Dress for church and having to sit in the kitchen while my mother combed my hair with this metal comb she took off the hot stove. I was burned so many times, I ended up afraid of curling and flat irons if they were not being used by myself. I have looked through several pictures of me as a child and only one picture has my hair in its natural state, and that is in my professional baby picture where I had a small afro. So I am curious to see what my hair was meant to look like.
2. I have been dealing with under processed hair for two years: I transitioned for a whole year from March 2009 to March 2010 but did not have the confidence to cut off the relaxed ends. So I relaxed at home and misjudged how much my hair grew, so there was some under processed parts to my hair. I went twice to get it corrected, most recently in June 2012 and it did not work. I have come to realize that the only way my hair will no longer be process is if I cut off all the relaxed pieces. Then my hair would not be processed at all if I stick with being natural!
3. I am at a point in my life where I need a change: and the easiest change I can make is with my hair. So why not! Right now I have the support of my boyfriend who has been encouraging me to cut my hair off now- at two months post! Not going to happen Buddy. LOL. I've decided to even color or highlight my hair now which I have never done, only so I could actually see growth!
Since my last relaxer was on June 1, 2012, I am thinking that I will be fully natural as of June 1, 2013. This will be a few weeks after graduating from Graduate School- which signifies another change in my life. I have been thinking about keep my hair at shoulder length,which would require that I get my hair washed, blown, and flat ironed at the salon so that they can cut my hair.
If I feel that I have s good enough amount of new growth by January 2013, I may do my big chop then and keep my hair in braids and kinky twists until the summer. There are so many options out there for me and I haven't quite decided on what I want to do. However I am about 80% sure that I will be 100% natural in the year 2013 and I will stick to it for a whole year!
Stay tuned to my future post to see what I have decided.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
1st Flexi Rod Set
I am doing a lot of FIRSTS on this journey. First it was the caruso steam rollers, then bantu knots, and now flexi rods! GO ME...GO ME....GO ME...
I have used flexi rods on my weaves and on my hair just for curls or styling purposes, but I never did a whole flexi rod set on my or anyone else's hair, and I wanted to know how it would look on my shoulder length hair. I have several packs of flexi rods but I did not have enough of one kind to make a set so I went to my local beauty supply store and picked up about six (all they had on the shelf) of the blue 9/16 inch flexi rods they had. I had about 4 packs at home.
On Friday night, I used four flexi rods on the front of my hair (bang area) to see which direction I would roll them in (either towards my face or away from my face) and I also wanted approval from the boyfriend to see if this style would work- he told me to go for it.
Today I washed out my overnight pre-poo using organix coconut milk shampoo and conditioner, deep conditioned without heat for five minutes using mixed checks deep conditioner, and then applied my leave ins.
I turned the music up on my ipod and proceeded to roll my hair, using water and lottabody to keep my hair damp. I also used end papers on my hair and rolled up my hair. A TOTAL OF 60 BLUE RODS AND ONE RED ROD (1/2 inch) WAS USED. I stress this because of all of the videos I watched on flexi rods, no one really ever said how many they used. So once again, each flexi rod pack came with six rods and I used a total of ten packs plus one red one.
I then proceeded to stuff my big Medusa head under the dryer for an hour and a half to two hours (after an hour I took out some of the rods in front and they were still wet, while the ones on top of my head were dry so I removed them). Note: My whole head did not fit under the dryer so I just sat under it as best as I could.
Here's a quick video:
I have used flexi rods on my weaves and on my hair just for curls or styling purposes, but I never did a whole flexi rod set on my or anyone else's hair, and I wanted to know how it would look on my shoulder length hair. I have several packs of flexi rods but I did not have enough of one kind to make a set so I went to my local beauty supply store and picked up about six (all they had on the shelf) of the blue 9/16 inch flexi rods they had. I had about 4 packs at home.
On Friday night, I used four flexi rods on the front of my hair (bang area) to see which direction I would roll them in (either towards my face or away from my face) and I also wanted approval from the boyfriend to see if this style would work- he told me to go for it.
Today I washed out my overnight pre-poo using organix coconut milk shampoo and conditioner, deep conditioned without heat for five minutes using mixed checks deep conditioner, and then applied my leave ins.
I turned the music up on my ipod and proceeded to roll my hair, using water and lottabody to keep my hair damp. I also used end papers on my hair and rolled up my hair. A TOTAL OF 60 BLUE RODS AND ONE RED ROD (1/2 inch) WAS USED. I stress this because of all of the videos I watched on flexi rods, no one really ever said how many they used. So once again, each flexi rod pack came with six rods and I used a total of ten packs plus one red one.
I then proceeded to stuff my big Medusa head under the dryer for an hour and a half to two hours (after an hour I took out some of the rods in front and they were still wet, while the ones on top of my head were dry so I removed them). Note: My whole head did not fit under the dryer so I just sat under it as best as I could.
Here's a quick video:
1st Bantu Knot Out Ever
This past week I wore my hair in a bantu knot out. I was bold and decided that I wanted to know how the bantu knot out would look on me. I had purchase some children's hair scrunchies and decided that I was going to use them.
I had about ten Bantu knots all over my hair. I used my ORS hair lotion to moisturize my hair and followed that up with my sweet almond oil to seal. After knotting my hair, I went to bed and took them down in the morning.
At night, I would do the pineapple method (placing the hair on top of my head and securing with a scrunchie), put on my bonet, and go to sleep. The knots lasted for 4 days. By Friday, I had combed down the knots and detangled my hair to prepare for this weekends wash.
I liked the results and would definitely do this style again.
I had about ten Bantu knots all over my hair. I used my ORS hair lotion to moisturize my hair and followed that up with my sweet almond oil to seal. After knotting my hair, I went to bed and took them down in the morning.
At night, I would do the pineapple method (placing the hair on top of my head and securing with a scrunchie), put on my bonet, and go to sleep. The knots lasted for 4 days. By Friday, I had combed down the knots and detangled my hair to prepare for this weekends wash.
I liked the results and would definitely do this style again.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Flat Twist Out
I was reading a blog post on CurlyNikki.com by Shanti who is a natural and did a twist out on her hair. I had the natural or curly head products in my house that I purchased when I thought I was transitioning to natural. Attached is the 3 part youtube clip of the process but I'll just document what I did, pretty much following Shanti's method (check out her blog- acurlsbf.com ).
1. I pre-poo'd hair with VO5 moisture milks conditioner, jojoba oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil.
2. I washed my hair with Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditioner.
3. I deep conditioned my hair with Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner without heat for over an hour
4. After washing out the DC, I sectioned my hair from ear to ear, tucked away the back half, and then did a side part in the front and worked with one section at a time.
5. On the section of hair I was twisting, I applied Kinky Curly Knot Today Leave in conditioner and sealed with Sweet Almond Oil.
6. I parted my hair for the section I was going to flat twist and applied a dime size or so amount of Shea Moisture's Curl Enhancing Smoothie and proceeded to twist. At the end of each twist I applied a snap roller to curl the end.
7. I had four twists on the right side, three twists on the left, and about eleven twists in the back.
I applied my satin scarf and bonet and went to sleep. The next morning I removed my rollers, and I applied Fantasia IC Frizz Buster to my hands and untwisted my hair.
Here are some of the results:
I made this twist out last for 5 days. The first day I just wore it down, but after that, I wore it in updo's and in a messy bun.
Check out my youtube video for step by step details:
1. I pre-poo'd hair with VO5 moisture milks conditioner, jojoba oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil.
2. I washed my hair with Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditioner.
3. I deep conditioned my hair with Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner without heat for over an hour
4. After washing out the DC, I sectioned my hair from ear to ear, tucked away the back half, and then did a side part in the front and worked with one section at a time.
5. On the section of hair I was twisting, I applied Kinky Curly Knot Today Leave in conditioner and sealed with Sweet Almond Oil.
6. I parted my hair for the section I was going to flat twist and applied a dime size or so amount of Shea Moisture's Curl Enhancing Smoothie and proceeded to twist. At the end of each twist I applied a snap roller to curl the end.
7. I had four twists on the right side, three twists on the left, and about eleven twists in the back.
I applied my satin scarf and bonet and went to sleep. The next morning I removed my rollers, and I applied Fantasia IC Frizz Buster to my hands and untwisted my hair.
Here are some of the results:
Check out my youtube video for step by step details:
Caruso Roller Set
I have a wedding to attend next week and since I am still on the no direct heat challenge, I needed a way to do my hair for the special occasion.
I decided to do a dry roller set using my Caruso steam rollers and I loved the result.
I pre-poo'd over night and then washed and deep conditioned my hair. I then allowed my hair to air dry about 90% before blow drying on cool air. I dusted my ends using my split ender and went to bed with my hair wrapped.
The next morning I proceeded to set my hair with the caruso steam rollers, styled my hair and then went out shopping with the boyfriend.
Like I said, I loved the results. My hair felt so soft and the curls came out nice.
Check out my youtube video to see the roller setting process.
I decided to do a dry roller set using my Caruso steam rollers and I loved the result.
I pre-poo'd over night and then washed and deep conditioned my hair. I then allowed my hair to air dry about 90% before blow drying on cool air. I dusted my ends using my split ender and went to bed with my hair wrapped.
The next morning I proceeded to set my hair with the caruso steam rollers, styled my hair and then went out shopping with the boyfriend.
Like I said, I loved the results. My hair felt so soft and the curls came out nice.
Check out my youtube video to see the roller setting process.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Air Drying
I am on a summer 2012 challenge on one of the hair care sites I am a member of, and part of the challenge is to do weekly washes, so I have been washing my hair on a weekly basis.
Today, because I had a paper to work on, and my sister's hair to do, I decided to air dry my hair. I did my same wash routine from last week using Organix Coconut Milk shampoo and conditioner, and then I did a protein treatment with Aphogee Keratin 2 Minute Recontructor for about 7 minutes. After that was washed out, I t-shirt dried my hair then I detangled with my wide tooth shower comb and sprayed the Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Reconstructurizer, and applied my leave in conditioner, pulled my hair back, and placed my satin scarf over my edges.
After an hour and a half of air drying, I applied some Coconut Oil to my hair.
After three hours of air drying, the roots of my hair and the back/middle section of my head is still damp.
After air drying for 5 hours, my hair is about 95% dry.
Before going to bed I will pull my hair into a loose ponytail or bun and sleep with my bonet on.
How long does it take you to air dry?
Today, because I had a paper to work on, and my sister's hair to do, I decided to air dry my hair. I did my same wash routine from last week using Organix Coconut Milk shampoo and conditioner, and then I did a protein treatment with Aphogee Keratin 2 Minute Recontructor for about 7 minutes. After that was washed out, I t-shirt dried my hair then I detangled with my wide tooth shower comb and sprayed the Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Reconstructurizer, and applied my leave in conditioner, pulled my hair back, and placed my satin scarf over my edges.
After an hour and a half of air drying, I applied some Coconut Oil to my hair.
After three hours of air drying, the roots of my hair and the back/middle section of my head is still damp.
After air drying for 5 hours, my hair is about 95% dry.
Before going to bed I will pull my hair into a loose ponytail or bun and sleep with my bonet on.
How long does it take you to air dry?
african american,
leave in,
Meeka's Wash Day
My sister Meeka came to me to get her hair washed. I do not mind doing her hair, but she does not take my advice when I tell her what to do with her hair- such as protective styling. She hates ponytails and buns because she likes her hair to be flowing all on her shoulders and down her back.
With my help, my sister went from shoulder length hair to currently past APL. For about a year straight her hair was hidden under weaves that I did and cared for. Today, she came in my house and I was like "wow, your hair is bra strap length". I told her that I had to take a picture to compare her hair now to the condition it was in two years ago, when I started my hair journey. When I took the picture, I noticed that only a piece of her hair was BSL, most of her hair was past APL, but the ends were just so thin.
I told her that I would have to cut those scraggly ends off and that I would so in two weeks when I apply her weave- that way, she will not miss the length. So on to her wash!
I washed her hair with Aphogee's Deep Moisture Shampoo followed by the Keratin 2 minute reconstructor, let that sit on her hair for about 10 minutes, then washed it out. I sprayed the green tea and keratin on her hair and applied my homemade leave in conditoner (Kimmaytube's version) before roller setting her hair in the mohawk style.
It was too hot for me to apply heat to straighten out her roots and her under processed hair, so I just wrapped her hair up and before she left my house, she comb her hair down. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures (she left really late and I was tired).
With my help, my sister went from shoulder length hair to currently past APL. For about a year straight her hair was hidden under weaves that I did and cared for. Today, she came in my house and I was like "wow, your hair is bra strap length". I told her that I had to take a picture to compare her hair now to the condition it was in two years ago, when I started my hair journey. When I took the picture, I noticed that only a piece of her hair was BSL, most of her hair was past APL, but the ends were just so thin.
I told her that I would have to cut those scraggly ends off and that I would so in two weeks when I apply her weave- that way, she will not miss the length. So on to her wash!
I washed her hair with Aphogee's Deep Moisture Shampoo followed by the Keratin 2 minute reconstructor, let that sit on her hair for about 10 minutes, then washed it out. I sprayed the green tea and keratin on her hair and applied my homemade leave in conditoner (Kimmaytube's version) before roller setting her hair in the mohawk style.
It was too hot for me to apply heat to straighten out her roots and her under processed hair, so I just wrapped her hair up and before she left my house, she comb her hair down. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures (she left really late and I was tired).
Monday, July 2, 2012
Summer Go To Styles
Since having my hair trimmed on June 1, 2012, I knew that I did not want to style my hair in ways that would cause my ends to split or become damaged, so I told myself that I would try to keep my hair up and off of my shoulders until I reached APL again. Not only does wearing my hair down cause breakage and split ends, but the weather can also add to this. Since it is summer, my hair needs to be well moisturized so that the sun does not dry out my hair and my ends. Here are some pictures of styles that I have been wearing:
Flexi Rod Set on dry hair

What do you ladies do to your hair in the summer?
Flexi Rod Set on dry hair
Banana Clip Bun |
Flat Twist Out on Damp Hair |
Flat Twist Out Dry |
Donut Bun |
What do you ladies do to your hair in the summer?
african american,
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wash Day- Roller Set
After spending four days vacationing in Cancun, I came home and felt that my hair was dry and brittle and needed a good deep condition. I washed my hair while in Cancun and let it air dry, but I did not deep condition.
Anyway, on June 28th, I pre-poo’d overnight with Herbal
Essence Hello Hydration, EVCO, sweet almond oil, a few drops of peppermint oil
and jojoba oil. I sectioned my hair into four sections and applied by pre-poo
which I covered with a shower cap and then my turbie twist towel before going
to bed ( the pre-poo stayed on about 8 hrs). Then I had the boyfriend wash my
hair with Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo followed by Organix Coconut Milk
Shampoo and Conditioner. I detangled my hair with my wide tooth comb and then I applied my leaves ins: Sprayed Aloe Vera Juice,
(I am trying to cut back on my shedding), Sprayed Aphogee Green Tea and Keratin
Reconstructurizer, and applied my version of the “KimmayTube” leave in (which
is Kinky Curly Knot Today, Aloe Vera Juice, Sweet Almond Oil and Coconut Oil).
Then I proceeded to roll my hair with the large size rollers and sat under my
hooded dryer for about an hour and a half. Once my hair was dry, I took out my
rollers and applied some Frizz Ease to my hair and then wrapped my hair for the
night. In the morning, I took down my wrap and bunned my hair.
Check out my video below:
Friday, June 15, 2012
Relaxer and Trim- June 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Micro Braids and Sew In- 6 wk update
So it has been 6 weeks since my micro braids and sew in was installed with the Janet Indi Remy wet and wavy hair and it is about that time to take down the style. The box braids in the front of my head held up well, however, my hair has grown about an inch so my hair looks old when I pull it back to style it. The box braids at the back of my head are a different story. They do not look well at all and I think it is because of all the rubbing on my shirt it has done. The braids look old and fuzzy.
The Sew In: It is clear to me that my hair has grown as I can lift my braids from my scalp. I would love to keep this hair in for another two weeks, but it will interfere with my up coming busy weekend schedules for the month of June. The weave however is a tangled mess and I have to blame myself. Initially that hair was so soft and silky that it would not stay in a ponytail. I continued to roll my hair nightly with flexi rods and one night I wrapped my hair. At night, I would use my tangle teezer or denman brush to detangle my hair before using the flexi rods.
My scalp continued to irritate me as it does when I wear a weave so I used an applicator bottle with Sweet Almond Oil and Peppermint Oil to get in between my tracks. I was careful not to have the oil land on the weave, but I noticed a few days later that the weave was oily as if the oils from my scalp were running down the length of the weave which caused the hair to tangle and knot- in my opinion.
I used Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditioner about a week ago to wash out the oil. I let the hair air dry about 90% and then I blow dried the hair on a low setting. It did not help the situation. My hair would look nice when I left the house for work, but my the end of the day I had a birds nest. I even tried to use steam rollers which came out nice but once again, the end of the night was a nightmare.
The hair shed so much that there was always clumps of hair in the bathroom after detangling. I would love to try this style again, but I will use a more reliable brand of hair.
So for my last week with this style, I will be bunning it up!
My next style may be a 3/4th wig until I relax on or around June 2nd.
The Sew In: It is clear to me that my hair has grown as I can lift my braids from my scalp. I would love to keep this hair in for another two weeks, but it will interfere with my up coming busy weekend schedules for the month of June. The weave however is a tangled mess and I have to blame myself. Initially that hair was so soft and silky that it would not stay in a ponytail. I continued to roll my hair nightly with flexi rods and one night I wrapped my hair. At night, I would use my tangle teezer or denman brush to detangle my hair before using the flexi rods.
My scalp continued to irritate me as it does when I wear a weave so I used an applicator bottle with Sweet Almond Oil and Peppermint Oil to get in between my tracks. I was careful not to have the oil land on the weave, but I noticed a few days later that the weave was oily as if the oils from my scalp were running down the length of the weave which caused the hair to tangle and knot- in my opinion.
I used Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo and Conditioner about a week ago to wash out the oil. I let the hair air dry about 90% and then I blow dried the hair on a low setting. It did not help the situation. My hair would look nice when I left the house for work, but my the end of the day I had a birds nest. I even tried to use steam rollers which came out nice but once again, the end of the night was a nightmare.
The hair shed so much that there was always clumps of hair in the bathroom after detangling. I would love to try this style again, but I will use a more reliable brand of hair.
So for my last week with this style, I will be bunning it up!
My next style may be a 3/4th wig until I relax on or around June 2nd.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Yaya Hair Ombre'd
So after reviewing Ms. Chanda's youtube video on how she did an Ombre to her Yaya Hair, I feel so in love with the way her hair looked that I wanted to Ombre my Yaya Hair. Check out the video below:
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Micro Braids and Sew In
I had a promotional job interview and was lured into taking down my micro braids about two weeks earlier then I had planned. This is what my hair looked like after all the braids were removed.
This photo was taken on April 1, 2012. I had about an inch of new growth, but I did not see any change in my hair length. I had a religious event to go to on April 5th, so I decided wash and blow dry my hair for the week and on the 5th I flat ironed my hair (didn't take a pic sorry). My hair remained flat ironed and on April 12th I got it braided
Before getting my hair braided, I searched high and low for some Zury Indian Remy hair in either loose deep or French. I had used this Zury brand before in French and had a pack left over. I also had a pack of loose deep so I needed about two more packs to complete my head. Needless to say, I couldn't find it in stores.

So the week I was going to do my hair, I went to the beauty supply store and informed the lady that I needed 16 inches of a wet to wavy weaving hair that was good. She gave me the Janet Collection Indian Remy Wet and Wavy Hair.
Hair cost me about $60.00 a pack and I got 3 packs in 16 inches, color 2. I then came home and watched some youtube videos but the ladies did not give this hair positive reviews based on the shedding and tangling, especially if used with products- OH WELL.
On April 12th, I went to the hair braiding shop where I had my micro's done. 3 women worked on my hair and after four hours I was all done. The hair was cut off the tracks for my braids and the lady cut the weft for the tracks (SHEDDING I KNOW).
I went to the NYC Auto Show with the family and used flexi rods to create curls with the hair two days after the install.
This photo was taken on April 1, 2012. I had about an inch of new growth, but I did not see any change in my hair length. I had a religious event to go to on April 5th, so I decided wash and blow dry my hair for the week and on the 5th I flat ironed my hair (didn't take a pic sorry). My hair remained flat ironed and on April 12th I got it braided
Before getting my hair braided, I searched high and low for some Zury Indian Remy hair in either loose deep or French. I had used this Zury brand before in French and had a pack left over. I also had a pack of loose deep so I needed about two more packs to complete my head. Needless to say, I couldn't find it in stores.
So the week I was going to do my hair, I went to the beauty supply store and informed the lady that I needed 16 inches of a wet to wavy weaving hair that was good. She gave me the Janet Collection Indian Remy Wet and Wavy Hair.
On April 12th, I went to the hair braiding shop where I had my micro's done. 3 women worked on my hair and after four hours I was all done. The hair was cut off the tracks for my braids and the lady cut the weft for the tracks (SHEDDING I KNOW).
I went to the NYC Auto Show with the family and used flexi rods to create curls with the hair two days after the install.
protective style,
quick weave,
sew in
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