Hair Status

Current Length-TWA (Teeny Weenie Afro)
Next Goal Length- Afro Puff Style / EL
Final Goal Length- Bra Strap Length
Last Relaxer- June 1st, 2012 with Trim
Next Relaxer- NEVER!!!!
Hair Goal- Healthy Hair
Current Style- TWA

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Micro Braids and Sew In

I had a promotional job interview and was lured into taking down my micro braids about two weeks earlier then I had planned. This is what my hair looked like after all the braids were removed.
This photo was taken on April 1, 2012. I had about an inch of new growth, but I did not see any change in my hair length. I had a religious event to go to on April 5th, so I decided wash and blow dry my hair for the week and on the 5th I flat ironed my hair (didn't take a pic sorry). My hair remained flat ironed and on April 12th I got it braided

Before getting my hair braided, I searched high and low for some Zury Indian Remy hair in either loose deep or French. I had used this Zury brand before in French and had a pack left over. I also had a pack of loose deep so I needed about two more packs to complete my head. Needless to say, I couldn't find it in stores.

So the week I was going to do my hair, I went to the beauty supply store and informed the lady that I needed 16 inches of a wet to wavy weaving hair that was good. She gave me the Janet Collection Indian Remy Wet and Wavy Hair.

Hair cost me about $60.00 a pack and I got 3 packs in 16 inches, color 2. I then came home and watched some youtube videos but the ladies did not give this hair positive reviews based on the shedding and tangling, especially if used with products- OH WELL.

On April 12th, I went to the hair braiding shop where I had my micro's done. 3 women worked on my hair and after four hours I was all done. The hair was cut off the tracks for my braids and the lady cut the weft for the tracks (SHEDDING I KNOW).

I went to the NYC Auto Show with the family and used flexi rods to create curls with the hair two days after the install.