Hair Status

Current Length-TWA (Teeny Weenie Afro)
Next Goal Length- Afro Puff Style / EL
Final Goal Length- Bra Strap Length
Last Relaxer- June 1st, 2012 with Trim
Next Relaxer- NEVER!!!!
Hair Goal- Healthy Hair
Current Style- TWA

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Protective Style Box Braids

I decided to get my hair braided on a protective style mainly because I was traveling to London to attend my cousins wedding in addition to vacationing. I did not want to have my hair out for fear that I would not have been able to style my natural hair for the wedding.

I plan on keeping my braids in for two months- so by the end of May I will be taking them down.

Check out my video below of the braids.

Afro- 5 Months Post

In preparation of my box braids, I washed, conditioned, deep conditioned, and blow dried my hair. I used Grapeseed oil as my heat protectant and my blow dryer on the low setting. I parted my hair into four sections and made those sections even smaller while drying. I used a wide tooth comb to detangle my hair followed by my denman brush and then the wide tooth comb again used by drying my hair.

After my hair was all dried if formed an Afro. Check out the video below to see my Afro at 5 months post big chop (BC).

TWA Puff Attempt

After having my hair in two strand twists for a week, it was time to take them out. I wanted to try, or at least see what a twist out would look like. It came out fine, but not as I expected. I picked out my hair to stretch it and thought to my self: "I wonder if I can get my hair into a puff". And so went my journey....check out my video below: