Hair Status

Current Length-TWA (Teeny Weenie Afro)
Next Goal Length- Afro Puff Style / EL
Final Goal Length- Bra Strap Length
Last Relaxer- June 1st, 2012 with Trim
Next Relaxer- NEVER!!!!
Hair Goal- Healthy Hair
Current Style- TWA

Saturday, November 10, 2012

One Month Post BC

I have been natural for one whole month and I am so excited to watch my hair grow. So far, I have ran into a few minor challenges regarding my TWA...

1. Dryness- After my BC, I noticed that my natural hair was pretty dry. After researching and watching youtube videos, I learned that my hair may be dry as it is still in shock of the loss of the relaxed ends. I also learned that my hair is in the healing process from all of the chemical processing my hair has gone through over the years.

2. Styles- Due to me only transitioning for four months, I only had about two inches of new growth. My hair is very tightly coiled and the shrinkage is no joke. The way the barber cut my hair, I have more hair at the front top part of my hair then in the back or the sides. While I am able to brush back the front for a tiny puff, the sides, which are so short, do not compliment this look. As a result, I have just been wearing my hair in a TWA or teenie weenie afro, without the use of any accessories.

3. Growth- Believe it or not my 1/4 of an inch of growth is a challenge. This is because all of my hair is not growing at the same rate. When I pick out my hair in the morning, my TWA likes to lean to the right. I do not pay too much attention to it as I want my hair to continue to grow out. As long as I don't start looking like Gumby, then I'm fine (LOL).

4. Products- This has been a challenge for me only because I am a product junkie and feel that I have to use every natural product in my house on my hair for every wash day. I wash my hair three times a week which has meant three different shampoos/conditioners/leave ins/gels, and whatever else I decide to put into my hair. Because my hair is still short, I have not founds the right product that has made me say "WOW, I DEFINITELY HAVE TO USE THIS AGAIN", nor have I found something to make my curls "pop" as I hear other youtuber's say. I know that this is terrible, my PJism that is, and must be corrected!

Since I gave four challenges, let me talk about the good things I like with my hair:
1. Low Maintenance- I love the fact that some water, a little oil, maybe a leave in, and my pick is all I have to do to style my hair in the morning. It takes me about 5 minutes to do my hair, which means more time to sleep!!!

2. Shower/Wash Day- I love not having to  run away from the water while I am in the shower. I have temporarily retired my shower cap and have no problem letting the water run over my hair. It is a great feeling. Washing my hair is a breeze as well!

3. My Coils/Naps- I no longer feel that the term "nappy" is negative. My hair has curl definition in some places and not others but I cannot seems to get my hands out of my hair. This gives me an opportunity to feel my texture, do scalp massages, and practice two strand twists!!!( As I am doing this blog, I just rubbed the tips of my fingers (not my nails) on my scalp and it felt so good!!!- now my hands are greasy).

4. Simplicity- My nighttime routine is just as smooth as my morning routine. At night, I'll either apply some JBCO and a shower cap for a GHE overnight, or I'll apply some leave in conditioner and don my bonet for bed.

5. Growth- Its a good feeling to see that my hair is growing. This gives me hope that I will not be in the TWA stage forever!

All in all, I am happy that I made the decision to go natural and cannot wait to see what is in stall for my hair over the next few months!!! My goal is to be able to do an afro puff by the time I am six months post BC!

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